Donbas is on fire… Multiple launch rocket systems “Hail”, “Hurricane”, T-64… Donbas children can correctly name all of them. They recognize accurately with a help of what do adult men and women kill them. Adult world has made it the best – they made perfect machines of death. And they don’t care what to aim at. But children’s lives are trembling… They keep close in the cellars, they cut out paper suns, and they paint grey walls and dream about simple childish things: about mother and father, about their houses not destroyed, about friend Petka, who died under fire, about cat Barsik… But adults don’t hurry to stop the war and the machine consuming lives is going on. Some children become stuttered after regular shelling, some just stop talking at all, and some children are always crying and screaming because of the experienced horror. Psychologists say it is post traumatic stress disorder and it can be treated. But the situation with mental disabilities is more complicated.
Mental disorders — severe impairment of mental development at which the ability to communicate and social interaction are suffering.
It’s a pity, but there are not few such special children and teenagers in the East Ukrainian war zone.
Psychologists of Alchevsk Spiritual Healing Centre have a great experience in the work with such special children and youth. For 5 years of existing disabled from childhood, children of a risk group, families, and youth in the condition of stress, grief and deprivation have received a complex help. Correctional and educational methods are selected and social and adaptive approaches to help special children and youth with the ciphers of diagnoses according to the ICD-10 such as F00-F09 — organic mental disorders, F20-F29 — schizotypal disorders, F70-F79 — mental retardation, F80-F89 — disorders of psychological and mental development are worked out by the staff of Healing Centre.
At this difficult time for Donbas caring staff and volunteers of the Healing Centre decided to try to organize summer theater workshop for special children from Alchevsk Spiritual Healing Centre in Crimea. And we’re asking for help.
The climatic conditions of Crimea contribute to achieve long-term results of summer recovery of our pupils, and the project itself means psycho-correction of condition of prolonged post-traumatic stress and children’s grieving and supports the results by psychological creative employment in the theater workshop.
Theatre workshop as a part of a summer recovery means every day lessons of “Playback” and “drama-fairy tale” directions as well as classical mini stagings with our pupils that are psycho correcting and socio developmental aspects of this project.
The project budget includes:
- Accommodation, food and medical support for a project participant — $ 15 (800 rubles.) for person per night. Number of participants — 45 people. Project duration — 45 days. Total: $ 30,375;
- Purchase of fabrics and props for theater workshop — $ 75;
- Prizes and gifts for artists = $ 50;
- Round trip — $ 100 per person = 45 * 100 = $ 4,500.
The total amount requested for the project: $ 35 000 (thirty-five thousand dollars)
Thank you! These are just little steps to change the lives of children and youth with the limited capacity, but without them it will be difficult to go further.